A minor may not work more than 6 days in a week. • Approval may be granted for 16- and 17- year-olds to work beyond the starting and.Approval may be granted for 16 and 17-year-old minors to work beyond the starting and ending times specified in the act. 16-17 year olds may work until p.m. When not regularly enrolled in school and during school vacation period. Minors who are under the age of 16 in Michigan can work from 7 am to 9 pm, for a maximum of 10 hours per day and 6 days per week. Adult supervision is required, at all times. Who Needs a CA-7 Yellow Work Permit? Work certificates are not required for 16 and 17yearolds. Employer Information: - The employer must have a completed front and back yellow work permit form on file before a minor begins work.