Call (732) 444-1300 - Smith Eibeler, LLC is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Discrimination and Harassment cases. To contact our North Brunswick discrimination lawyers please call 973-775-9635 or fill out our confidential contact form.No form of harassment or discrimination, whether directed at employees, patients or others, will be tolerated. Learn about equal employment opportunity, affirmative action, and anti-discrimination in New Jersey courts. File a complaint for discrimination. To facilitate the reporting of a complaint, Discrimination Complaint Processing Form. If you wish to file an ADA complaint of discrimination with JFS Middlesex, please contact JFS Middlesex via. PHONE: 732-777-1940 or ADDRESS BELOW. II. Investigation Process. 1. Connecticut Fair Employment Practices Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and applies to employers with 3 or more employees.