Do you believe you were discriminated against? Were you asked about your current or past pay while applying for a job?Title I prohibits discrimination in all aspects of employment, and Title II prohibits discrimination in providing public services, programs and activities. Mail Fill out and send the paper ADA Complaint Form. To file a discrimination charge through the MDHR, call them on the phone at 651-296-5663 (TTY 651-296-1296) or toll-free at 1-800-657-3704. This form is to assist you in filing an MDA program discrimination complaint. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights enforces the Minnesota Human Rights Act, which is a state law prohibiting discrimination in Minnesota. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a law that makes it illegal to discriminate against anyone with a disability. If you believe that you or someone else experienced unlawful discrimination, you can report a disability rights violation. 1. Report using our online form.