There are strict deadlines for filing a charge of discrimination, please review the information in the timeliness tab or call 1-800-669-4000. A charge of discrimination can be completed through our online system after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you.There are strict time limits for filing a job discrimination complaint with the EEOC. In some cases, you only have 180 days to report discrimination to EEOC. If you do not have access to the internet to complete this form, leave us a message at 651-539-1100 or 1-833-454-0148. Minnesota Department of Human Rights. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) enforces laws and investigates claims about discrimination at work. Call 1-833-454-0148 to speak with someone. Translate this Page ; OFFICE OF LEGAL COUNSEL-820. Legal Counsel Carol Miaskoff Chief FOIA Officer ; Tel: (202) 921-2541.