A Class II Child Labor Certificate is required for the employment of 16 and 17 year old minors. 16 and older may be employed in such establishments as busboys, janitors, dishwashers, cooks, hostesses, or seaters.The Division of Labor Standards enforces the statutes that govern the maximum and prohibited hours of work as well as the type of work permitted for minors. 16 - Basic minimum age for employment. Under the FLSA, 16 and 17yearolds may be employed for unlimited hours in any nonagricultural, nonhazardous position. All minors between the ages of 1417 must provide "working papers" prior to their first day of work. As of June 1, an eligibility to work form is no longer required for each 14 and 15yearold employed, under Act. Minors 14 and 15 years of age may not be employed or permitted to work more than 5 consecutive hours without a non-working period of at least 30 minutes. In Alabama, a young person under the age of 16 cannot work more than 3 hours on a school day, or 18 hours per week while school is in session. Ensure your workplace is compliant with federal and state labor law poster requirements.