You can call 1-800-669-4000 to discuss your situation. If you are unable to access the complaint form, please call at 1-888-392-3644.You can reach the Equal Employment Opportunity Office at 718-546-0861. Learn how to file a discrimination claim in New York, including information about the EEOC, finding a discrimination lawyer, and strengthening your case. Names of EEO Counselors appear on posters in DOL buildings or on DOL's LaborNet, or you may contact the Civil Rights Center (CRC) at (202) 693-6500. Have questions or need to file a job discrimination complaint? If you file a complaint both here and with the EEOC, you must indicate that you wish to cross-file your complaint. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) - New York City Employment Discrimination Lawyer. Gov or (202) 693-6500. To obtain free legal counseling through NY State, please call the confidential hotline at 1-800-427-2773.