1) Please fill out the complaint form, answering all of the questions. An employment discrimination claim can be based on discrimination due to age, disability, race, religion, national origin, sex, or another characteristic.This pamphlet is intended to provide Employers and Employees with general information about their employment rights and responsibilities in New York State. The New York Human Rights Law and the federal Age Discrimination Act prohibited age discrimination. After years of faithful service, did your company give you the pink slip because "they are going in a new direction"? DAVID TRAGER, District Judge. One question that has come up over the years is whether or not someone with a tattoo can be discriminated against in the workplace. (2) Positions that cannot or will not be performed, at least in part, in the city of New York. The person that examines the original, unexpired documents in the presence of the employee MUST fill out, sign and date Section 2. Employers are liable for failing to comply with the requirements for completing this form.