If your employer has acted illegally, give us a call at (704) 612-0038 or fill out our contact form to see how we can help you. The chief legal limitation on hiring – which also applies to all other facets of the employment process – is the prohibition of discrimination.This post examines the fundamentals of employment discrimination in North Carolina so that you can be more fully informed before taking legal action. Talk to our employee retaliation lawyer in Charlotte about your legal options. We have years of experience representing employees against retaliatory practices. To file a Retaliatory Employment Discrimination complaint with the NC Department of Labor, or call 1-800-NC-LABOR (1-800-625-2267). What Can Qualify as Workplace Discrimination in North Carolina? Pleasing personality. The person that examines the original, unexpired documents in the presence of the employee MUST fill out, sign and date Section 2. A.S. Thomas Center 62 Union Chapel Road Pembroke, NC 28372