10911): Prohibits discrimination on account of age such as declining employment application because of age. Protections Against Harassment.Republic Act 6725: Prohibition on Discrimination Against Women Specifically, this law focuses on women's rights to fair employment. An Act Prohibiting Discrimination Against Any Individual in Employment on Account of Age and Providing Penalties Therefor. A higher proportion of respondents experienced workplace discrimination in the Philippines (21 per cent) than in other countries in the region. Philippine EOR practices for equitable employment encompass consistent hiring processes and antidiscrimination policies. Is there any law prohibiting discrimination or harassment in employment? If so, what categories are regulated under the law? 10911) was put in place to prevent any form of age-based discrimination in the workplace and establish consequences for such unfair treatment. Republic Acts - An Act Prohibiting Discrimination Against Any Individual in Employment on Account of Age and Providing Penalties Therefor.