When completing this form, please print legibly or use typewriter. Please do not write on the back of the page.If you are an individual or employer looking for employment immigration services in the greater West Palm Beach area, we invite you to contact Asghar Law. IMPORTANT NOTI CE TO POTEN TIAL CHARGING PA RTY : Completion of this form is necessary in order for the Office of Equal. An employee may file a charge if they believe an employer discriminated against them because of their citizenship, immigration status, or national origin. These forms can be printed and manually populated or filled out using Acrobat Reader online and then printed. All forms must be either mailed or faxed. A charge of discrimination can be completed through our online system after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. At Asghar Law, we take pride in helping our clients fill out the right paperwork and demonstrate their need to enter the country through legal means. The statewide E-Filing portal.