Minors 16 years of age or older may not be employed before 6 am or after 12 midnight during a regular school week. 16-17-Year-Olds Work Restrictions.When school is not in session, 16 and 17-year-olds may only work between 6 a.m. The general rule is that minors under 16 years of age may not be employed, except in certain occupations enumerated in the Child Labor Law. Q: Can a student drop out at age 16 to work as a babysitter? The Pennsylvania Child Labor Act requires all minors ages 14 - 17 to have a work permit in order to be employed. 16 - Basic minimum age for employment. Pennsylvania's Child Labor Act has distinct provisions for three age categories: under 14, 1415, and 1617. Children under 16 may not be employed in any manufacturing or mechanical occupation or process. The Department of Safety may issue age certificates to 16 and 17yearolds.