If you feel you have experienced illegal employment discrimination, fill out the intake questionnaire and email or mail it to the PHRC. Dear Ms. Bobblehead: Please allow this letter to serve as my complaint of discrimination against the U.S. Army.Our department's AntiDiscrimination Compliance Policy creates an informal process so that we can address cases of alleged discrimination. This packet contains the form you will need to complete to begin the process of filing a discrimination complaint with the Philadelphia. A description of why you believe you were discriminated against, such as because of your race, ethnicity, sex, age, disability, pregnancy, or other reasons. You may be advised to file a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission (PHRC). Complaint, please seek the advice of an attorney.) 1. Fill out a Complaint form. a. Pregnancy discrimination in the workplace is illegal in Philadelphia. The appeal shall be in writing and include the final letter of determination, the reason for the appeal, and the specific relief requested. c.