A report can be made to the DCS Statewide Toll-Free Child Abuse Hotline at 1-888-767-2445, (1-888-SOS-CHILD) or law enforcement office. If you are requesting information about a DCS employee, click this Human Resources link to display the Request for Information webform.Pima County provides equal access and equal opportunity in employment and services and does not discriminate. Use the resources in this section to learn about disparities within the child welfare system and discover strategies for eliminating disproportionality. Employee complaints may be filed with the involved employee's supervisor or, if the supervisor is not known, the complaint may be filed with Internal Affairs. Yes, CPS and family court have called employers as part of investigations of abuse, neglect, truancy, and failure to pay child support. The person you want an order against must have committed or threatened to commit an act of domestic violence within the last year. This page presents resources and information about the Salt River Pima Maricopa (Arizona). Knowledge of the history, culture, laws, rules, customs and traditions of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community. The purpose of the Child Protective Services Act and amendments is to encourage more complete reporting of child abuse and maltreatment.