Discrimination at work is illegal. Victims in Florida can seek justice and recover damages like back pay and lost benefits.If you have any questions regarding the filing of an Employment Discrimination Complaint, please call the FCHR for assistance at (850) 488-7082. The general purposes of the Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 are to secure for all individuals within the state freedom from discrimination. You must file your employment, public accommodations, or housing discrimination complaint within 365 days after the date of the alleged violation. The links below provide information about eligibility for filing a complaint, time limits, instructions and procedures, and mediation. What types of harassment claims are covered? Florida law prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace. 2. Ashkenazi was cited for support in a Florida State administrative decision, Kim-Renee. Civil Rights Center - Monitors and enforces the Age Discrimination Act in programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.