Our website contains general information on the provisions of the laws governing the employment of minors in New York State. Information for youth ages 14-17 for working papers, safety and health on the job, and filling out job applications.An Employment Certificate (Working Paper) is required for all minors under 18 years of age who are employed. All minors between the ages of 1417 must provide "working papers" prior to their first day of work. Any child under age 14 is generally not allowed to work. Some exceptions might be delivering newspapers or agriculture work. Minors. The State enforces labor laws for workers under 18. However, employers of minors under age 18 must obtain and keep on file proof of the minor's age. New York requires that employers obtain a work permit for minors. Wages. However, employers of minors under age 18 must obtain and keep on file proof of the minor's age.