This law requires both public and private businesses to provide individuals "full and equal accommodations, advantages, facilities, privileges or services. Contact our workplace discrimination lawyers in Sacramento, CA, to protect your personal and professional life from discrimination in the workforce.Learn the essential steps to prove workplace discrimination in California. If you believe you have experienced employment discrimination, please fill out our confidential employment law case questionnaire. If you have an employment law issue, contact us to set up a consultation to discuss your situation. Call 916-612-0326 or fill out our online contact form. When legal disputes come up between employees and employers, it is easy for employees to feel inherently disadvantaged in these situations. The EEOC and DFEH have minimum requirements for the number of employees an employer must have for the regulations to apply. To speak with an attorney and schedule your evaluation, call our law firm at 916-229-8491 or fill out our contact form. Discrimination in the workplace is prohibited under California law, yet some employers still engage in unlawful behavior.