Almost all minors under the age of 18 are subject to California's child labor protections. Youth who are 14 and 15 years old may enroll in a work experience education program and be issued permits to work in fulltime employment if:.California's minimum legal age to work is generally 14 years old. However, anyone under 18 must have a work permit. 16 and 17yearolds are allowed to work between 5 a.m. Sixteenyearolds can work up to four hours on school days and eight hours on weekends for a total of 48 hours per week. Maybe she can go in person and ask to fill out an application in person and just see what they say? Labor laws generally prohibit non-farm employment of children younger than 14. They can work up to 8 hours per day, and up to 40 hours per week. The general rule is that the legal working age in California is 14-years-old, but anybody under the age of 18 must have a work permit.