If you would like to file a charge of job discrimination, you must do so either within 300 days from the day you knew about the discrimination. This packet of instructions is designed to help you prepare an employment discrimination complaint under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.Salt Lake County is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Learn more about what to do in cases of harassment, discrimination, or retaliation. A charge of discrimination can be completed through our online system after you submit an online inquiry and we interview you. Your employer shall fill out the employer's first report of injury form. The Act prohibits employment discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, and disability. You are not required to use this form to file a complaint. In your complaint, explain in as much detail as possible, how you were discriminated against. You may also submit the forms in person or mail at our address of 383 University Street, Level 1 OEO Suite, Salt Lake City, UT 84112.