If an employee claims that she cannot do certain duties due to being pregnant, the company has the right to require her to medically document such claims. If you or a loved one has been subject to employment discrimination based on pregnancy, please contact the attorneys of Carabin Shaw in San Antonio today.The law mandates that an employer cannot refuse to hire a woman simply because she is pregnant. This article provides information on federal and state antidiscrimination laws, parental leave, returning to work, rights of nursing or lactating employees. Your employer must make "reasonable" changes to your working day, working pattern, or place of work if you are pregnant or on maternity allowance. Call (214) 528-6500 - Rob Wiley, P.C. is dedicated to serving our clients with a range of legal services including Discrimination and Harassment cases. An employer may not force an employee to take leave because she is or has been pregnant, as long as she is able to perform her job. Generally, it is recommended that you not terminate a pregnant employee while she is on leave. Yes, you can get unemployment if you're pregnant and can't work in Texas. Discrimination due to pregnancy can be a common issue for women in the workplace.