You can report housing discrimination with FHEO online in English (also available in Español, 中文, Tiếng Việt, 한국인, العربية, Русский, ខ្មែរ, and Soomaali) Read answers to common questions we receive.If you still have a question or need to contact us, please fill out the form further down this page. You can file a complaint right online! Or you can call the Housing Discrimination Hotline: (800) 669-9777. The Santa Clara County Housing Authority (SCCHA) offers voucher programs and rental properties that help make rental housing safe and affordable. If your complaint involves a possible violation of the Fair Housing Act, the specialist will assist you in filing an official housing discrimination complaint. To file a complaint of discrimination, go to the CRD Web site home page and click on "File a Pre Complaint Inquiry." Harassment and Discrimination Claims ; Project Sentinel. Harassment and Discrimination Claims ; Law Foundation of Silicon Valley.