The declaration option does not require notarization; you need only fill in the blanks with the date and your location (city, state), and sign the declaration. The purpose of this article is to create a mechanism to eliminate and prevent discrimination from playing any role in actions that occur within Suffolk County.Prohibited discrimination at Suffolk University includes discrimination based on a person's actual or perceived identity. A Suffolk County resident who has experienced unlawful employment discrimination may have a right to seek redress in court. For example, if you fear going to work because of an employer's intimidating or offensive behavior that relates to your age, then you may be protected. Suffolk County local laws also prohibit discrimination based on Veteran Status, Status as a Victim of Domestic Violence, or Group Identity. You must file a complaint within one year of the last act of discrimination. 1. If you live on Long Island, Nassau County and Suffolk County. The Suffolk County Community College Discrimination, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Complaint and. As an example, suppose your employer is a die-hard Red Sox fan, and one day finds out that you are a Yankees fan.