It is illegal to employ a child under 14 except under specific circumstances. Work certificates are not required for 16 and 17yearolds.16 and 17 year olds that are enrolled in school may not work more than 6 consecutive days or 30 hours per week during the school calendar week. This article explains the youth minimum wage and provides general information about youth employment in Texas. 16 and 17: May work the same hours as those who are 18 years old. In Texas, older minors—meaning 16- and 17-year-olds—may work as many hours as they'd like. The following are prohibited occupations for 14- through. 17-year-old children: Prohibited occupations are the same for both federal and state law. A Student General Employment Certificate (AT-19, green paper) is issued to a minor 16 or 17 years old who is attending school. The fol lowing are prohibited occupations for 14- through.