The Title VI complaint Form (see Attachments D-1 or D-2) may be used to submit the complaint information. It provides an ample amount of space to describe how you have been discriminated against.If you need help determining which kind of complaint you have, filing the complaint, or filling out the complaint form, please contact Student Services. Call (512) 271-5527 - Austin Employment Lawyers, P.C. - Aggressive advocates dedicated to your interests in Employment Law and Discrimination cases. Submit a complaint via postal mail at the following address: Texas Workforce Commission Learn how to file a complaint against an Texas landlord. Get tips on formal letters, government complaints, and small claims court. Non-Federal Agency (TX). Mail or fax it to us using the address or fax number listed at the top of the form. The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) provides a centralized entity to enforce civil rights anti-discrimination ordinances and federal statutes.