It is illegal to employ a child under 14 except under specific circumstances. 16 and 17: Can work up to 8 hours on school days, 9 hours on nonschool days, and 30 hours per school week.No federal laws restrict how many hours 16- to 18-year-olds can work. However, most states have their own laws regarding the number of hours a child can work. PROHIBITED OCCUPATIONS FOR 16- AND 17-YEAR OLDS. Businesses can hire minors aged 14 to 18 as long as they follow state and federal laws on working hours, wages, and job restrictions. When hiring minors, you must know the minimum working age in your state and any restrictions to the hours minors can legally work. To be employed, a minor must have a work permit. The Department of Safety may issue age certificates to 16 and 17yearolds. As long as you're at least 16 years old, this is legal.