You can call toll-free 1 (800) 669-9777. You can report housing discrimination with FHEO online in English (also available in Español, 中文, Tiếng Việt, 한국인, العربية, Русский, ខ្មែរ, and Soomaali)You can file a complaint right online! Or you can call the Housing Discrimination Hotline: (800) 669-9777. Submit this form to NFHA if there is no fair housing center in your area. We will review your submission and follow up to conduct an intake. If your complaint involves a possible violation of the Fair Housing Act, the specialist will assist you in filing an official housing discrimination complaint. The declaration option does not require notarization; you need only fill in the blanks with the date and your location (city, state), and sign the declaration. To schedule an appointment with the Commission, call the Commission's Infoline at (718) 722-3131 or dial 311 and ask for the NYC Commission on Human Rights. Housing Choice Voucher Allegations.