You must also file your charge of employment discrimination with UALD within 180 days of when you learned of the last alleged discriminatory act. Request fingerprint-based national criminal history record checks of their volunteers and employees.For more information, download the Application Form. Under this law, government employers are not allowed to ask applicants about their criminal histories until after they have interviewed them. If you believe you have a criminal record discrimination case, you will need to prove the employer was discriminatory regarding your record. Utah's law against discrimination in housing does not prohibit discrimination against people with criminal records. Regarding criminal record discrimination, employers may not discriminate against job applicants with similar criminal records based on protected classes. There is no Utah law protecting the employment rights of persons with criminal records. Regarding criminal record discrimination, employers may not discriminate against job applicants with similar criminal records based on protected classes. Utah's Clean Slate law requires the government to use technology to identify and automatically expunge minor criminal records for qualifying individuals.