This information packet is designed to help you file an employment discrimination lawsuit in federal court without the help of a trained and licensed attorney. A federal employment discrimination case cannot be filed in court without first going to the EEOC, as discussed above, and having the EEOC dismiss your claim.If you would like to file a charge of job discrimination, you must do so either within 300 days from the day you knew about the discrimination. If you believe that you or someone else experienced unlawful discrimination, you can report a civil rights violation. 1. Report using our online form. Even for those who do not have employment contracts, the law recognizes the obligation of both parties to treat each other well. The Expert above is not your attorney, and the response above is not legal advice. A person may not engage in the activity of an immigration consultant for compensation unless the person is either exempt under Utah Code Ann. I was aware of this when I was hired, it's not as though I expected to work in the office. At our law firm, we stand as staunch advocates for employees facing discrimination, harassment, and other kinds of unlawful treatment in the workplace.