Employers in Utah may provide a minimum of a 30-minute unpaid lunch break, and the employees must be relieved of all duties for the meal period. Although breaks are not required, employers must pay employees for time they spend working and for shorter breaks during the day.Utah law only protects minors: State law does not require employers to provide rest breaks or meal periods for adult employees. If employers choose to provide breaks, breaks less than 20 minutes must be paid. Breaks and rest periods in Utah. Breaks - Employers must provide at least a 30-minute lunch within the first five hours of a minor employee's workday. Utah does not require employers to provide rest breaks for adult workers. Workers have a right to at least a 30minute meal break or each 6 hours worked in a calendar day. (2) An employee may take a 15 minute compensated break period for every four hours worked. State law does not require employers to provide rest breaks or meal periods for adult employees.