Washington's non-competition agreement law governs when a non-competition agreement may be considered valid or enforceable under state law. Non-competition clauses are legal and enforceable in Washington state.For advice surrounding non-compete clauses, contact an employment attorney today. Learn about the latest regulations on non-competes and find sample clauses. Under the final Noncompete Rule, the FTC adopts a comprehensive ban on new noncompetes with all workers, including senior executives. In this update, we describe what you need to know about the latest developments restricting the use of these agreements. Common law in the United States treats non-compete agreements as generally enforceable, but subject to certain limitations and requirements. Here's a fivestep guide to handling to a noncompete inquiry from your old employer, in ascending order of escalation. NonCompete agreements are a restraint of trade, block employment opportunities and limit worker mobility. If it goes into effect, will the rule have any impact on NDAs and other restrictive covenants in employment contracts?