The purpose of the Child Protective Services Act and amendments is to encourage more complete reporting of child abuse and maltreatment. If you suspect a child has been harmed or is at risk, please dial 1-800-342-3720, to report what you have seen or heard.You can make a difference. Child Protective Services (CPS) responds to hotline reports of alleged child abuse or maltreatment. The CPS team focuses on determining safety of children. Yes, CPS and family court have called employers as part of investigations of abuse, neglect, truancy, and failure to pay child support. Call ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313. If you suspect child abuse or neglect, call ChildLine. Contact Wayne County Children and Youth Services at 570-570-5102 or toll-free at 800-620-5102. Assist in providing protective and supportive services for abused or neglected children.