To file a labor complaint in California, visit the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) website to file a discrimination or harassment complaint. File a complaint with the US Department of Labor (1-866-487-9243) or visit dol.Find resources on labor rights, file a wage claim, report a labor law violation, or file a retaliation complaint if you're fired, demoted, or punished for reporting them. To file a labor complaint in California, submit a complaint with the Labor Commissioner's office (DLSE) for wage and hour claims. Consult with an Employment Lawyer. To file a wage claim with the California Labor Board, an employee must fill out an "Initial Report or Claim" and deliver it to their local Labor Board office. To initiate a complaint, you must complete the official complaint form available on the DLSE website. From there, you can find a California Labor Board office near you. Timeliness: File your complaint as soon as possible. The first step is filling out a labor board complaint using Form 1.