General Inquiries:1-844-762-NLRB (1-844-762-6572) Spanish language option available. - Determine if the issue falls under NLRB jurisdiction. 2.Filing Procedures: - Submit appropriate forms to the NLRB regional office (Chicago for Illinois). For more information or to file a complaint about an employer's practices, please call the Workplace Rights Hotline at 1-844-740-5076 or use the complaint form. On behalf of the NLRB General Counsel, the Director issued a complaint calling for a hearing before an administrative law judge. At all material times, Respondent has maintained the following rule in the. Respondents are engaged in the manufacture and sale of corrugated shipping containers at their plant in Chicago, Illinois. What are my rights under the National Labor Relations Act? The National Labor Relations Board filed an administrative complaint against Starbucks alleging that it had engaged in unfair labor prac. Dated: luly 24, 2015.