Gather information you will need to file your complaint. The first step in the wage complaint process is to fill out a Form 1 labor board complaint.You will typically need to also fill out a Form 55 attachment. If you have experienced or observed wage theft or other widespread labor law violations affecting a group of workers, please file a report. To file a complaint online you may file the Online Wage and Benefit Complaint Form. If you believe your NLRA rights have been violated, you may file a charge against an employer or a labor organization. You can find charge forms here. If you need help or have questions about filing a complaint, the U.S. Wage and Hour Division provides a help line at (866) 487-9243. You can file a complaint with the Michigan Wage and Hour Program or the United States Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division (US Wage and Hour Division). Although we do not take charges over the phone, you can get the process started over the phone.