Effective February 15, 2021, constituents must make all filings via the ePERB Portal, unless you are an unrepresented individual. If you believe your NLRA rights have been violated, you may file a charge against an employer or a labor organization.You can find charge forms here. The first step in the wage complaint process is to fill out a Form 1 labor board complaint. You will typically need to also fill out a Form 55 attachment. General Inquiries:1-844-762-NLRB (1-844-762-6572) Spanish language option available. This manual is designed to assist hiring managers with appropriate hiring processes and Human Resources practices. The NLRA provides employees with certain rights to join together to improve their wages and working conditions, with or without a union. The facts As stated above the Respondent corporation is engaged in the meat packing busi- ness in its Omaha, Nebraska, plant. In a recent decision, FDRLST Media, LLC v.