In this post, we discuss the ERISA claim process, appealing your ERISA claim, filing an ERISA complaint, when to hire an attorney, and more. Your appeal letter is based in fact and provides a compelling summary of your stance, the evidence you have of your injury and your inability to work.Hi, I'm Attorney Nathan Bax here at the Foster Law Firm and today I wanted to give you some tips about how to file your ERISA claim. Section XV highlights specific types of ERISA litigation, including developing issues such as employer stock litigation and 401(k) fee litigation, among others. On February 14, 2006, Plaintiff Alan Kahn filed his Complaint in Montgomery. The US Department of Labor has developed sample employment agreements, for illustrative purposes, for cleaners, home care workers and nannies. Plaintiff argues, however, that ERISA does not govern this case because the issues center around a conversion policy, not an employer plan. Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023. XIX discusses ERISA ESOP litigation. The purpose of ERISA's fiduciary duty rules is to ensure that plans are operated in the best interests of plan participants and beneficiaries.