In this post, we discuss the ERISA claim process, appealing your ERISA claim, filing an ERISA complaint, when to hire an attorney, and more. Plaintiff James R. Copland is a participant in a retirement plan subject to ERISA. 36.Defendant Martin J. Walsh is the Secretary of Labor. Section XV highlights specific types of ERISA litigation, including developing issues such as employer stock litigation and. The attorney filing a case should complete the form as follows: I.(a) PlaintiffsDefendants. This sixth edition discusses the wide range of issues that arise in litigation under ERISA. Section I addresses the Supreme Court's decisions defining ERISA's. Video conferencing is available in the Salt Lake City and St. George courthouses. Get the latest legal news on ERISA employee benefit claims, appeals and fiduciary breach litigation with Your ERISA Watch blog. When the claimant receives the claim form, the claimant should fill it out as instructed and return it with the required Proof described in the claim form.