In this post, we discuss the ERISA claim process, appealing your ERISA claim, filing an ERISA complaint, when to hire an attorney, and more. How do I make an ERISA disability claim?Contact either the insurance company or your employer to acquire the requisite forms. Litigating Strategies for Filing ERISA Case v. Claims for Benefits must be filed on a standard Claim Form that is available in most dental offices. This volume is a compilation of selected laws and regulations that affect the health care profession. The present document represents a restatement in its entirety of the Plan provisions, effective December 15, 2020. Referenced in the complaint. §§ 2560.502c-2(g) and (h); 2570.64. 404. Army Corps of Engineers permit for waterway dredging or filling ; A ; AA. Affirmative Action ; AAEE.