Request assistance from a Benefits Advisor. To get a Benefits Advisor to call you, submit your name, address and phone number.In this post, we discuss the ERISA claim process, appealing your ERISA claim, filing an ERISA complaint, when to hire an attorney, and more. Do you need to recover short term or long term disability insurance benefits? Our ERISA attorneys explain the ERISA claim process here. Describe the next issue, and alleged ERISA violation, in the format set forth above. Hi, I'm Attorney Nathan Bax here at the Foster Law Firm and today I wanted to give you some tips about how to file your ERISA claim. ERISA preemption will apply to any claim that an employee or employer plan beneficiary tries to make. This article will compare and contrast Social Security disability and Veterans disability claims with longterm disability claims and provide guidance This sixth edition discusses the wide range of issues that arise in litigation under ERISA.