Local Forms, Adoption Forms, Family Law Forms, Juvenile Forms, Probate and Court Investigator's Forms, Small Claims Forms, Traffic Forms Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure section 401 because the Attorney General has an office in Alameda County.In a mandate proceeding, the petitioner asks the superior or appellate court to direct an inferior judicial or administrative body to do something. The purpose of this guide book is to assist proponents of county initiative petitions in understanding the requirements of the initiative petition process. To file a habeas action, send the court the following items: â–« Your original, completed petition form. That day, Nicole's appointed trial counsel, Robert Waring, of. EBCLO, filed a Notice of Intent to File a Writ Petition. This is an appeal from a judgment denying a petition for a writ of mandate. Cohabitant to file a petition for a protective order.6. Pursuant to Rule 8-303(c), a self-represented party may now file an informal petition for writ of certiorari, cross-petition, or an answer to a petition.