The defendant assert that his first Rule 32 counsel rendered the ineffective assistance of counsel. b. The filing of an affidavit of ineffective assistance does not necessarily require reporting under ER 8.3.(2)Ineffective Assistance of Post-Conviction Counsel. The Phoenix Post-Conviction Relief attorneys at AZ Defenders are prepared to fight for you in court. Call (480) 456-6400 today for a free consultation. A claim of incompetent or ineffective assistance of counsel is raised under 32.1 (a) or Rule 33.1. (a). It is also the one way for convicted individuals to claim ineffective counsel against an attorney who has represented them in a plea, trial, or appeal. Ineffective representation could result in a wrongful conviction, which is why it is critical to have a skilled and experienced criminal defense attorney. A trial lawyer's failure to object or raise legal issues during trial will waive them for appellate purposes, unless they are fundamental errors. Of the Arizona Rules of Criminal Procedure.