At the supervisor's discretion, this form may be used to document an employee counseling session. This manual will contain Best Practice recommendations based on industry standards.Respondent is the holder of License No. LPC17442 for the practice of counseling in the State of Arizona. 2. If you've been harassed or discriminated at work, the Phoenix Employment Law Guide was created to give Arizona residents an insight into their rights. Employer counseling can be an invaluable resource for businesses of all sizes. The first step is to fill in the employee's information. Arizona prisoners could raise claims of ineffective assistance of trial counsel only in state collateral proceedings, not on direct review. Respondent is the holder of License No. LPC17442 for the practice of counseling in the State of Arizona. 2. To be valid, the Employee's Notice of Rejection of Terms of the Arizona Workers' Compensation Law must be filled out in duplicate (i.e. Qualified employee retirement plans.