The Domestic Relations Office provides social and mental health services, support, and visitation enforcement programs to the Civil District Courts. This article discusses how to enforce a visitation order if the other parent is not letting you see your child at the times listed in your court order.File this form when you and the other party cannot agree to a temporary arrangement for parenting, child support, or other issues before the final hearing date. You must file a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) with the court to petition the court for emergency custody of your children. You'll need to file those forms with the Court in the county where your child lives. To obtain an emergency custody order in Texas, the person seeking the order must file a sworn affidavit with the court. Military. Military Affidavit. This form is used as proof to the court that a custodial or noncustodial parent is in the military. Fill out the Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus to Return Child. Fill it out and file it with your Original Petition for Divorce.