Legal Aid Service of Broward County provides free civil legal services to low-income and otherwise eligible residents of Broward County. Legal aid organization which provides free or low cost legal services to persons with low incomes.You can find legal educational materials, sample forms, and information about the courts, community resources, and free and low-cost legal aid programs. Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida provides free civil legal services to low-income and otherwise eligible residents of Broward County. Which provides FREE legal assistance to low-income families. Legal Aid Service of Broward County is a non-profit organization that provides free legal assistance to low-income residents of Broward County. Which provides FREE legal assistance to low-income families. Legal services for low-income residents of Miami-Dade County. Dade Legal Aid's office is located at 123 N.W. First Avenue, Miami, Florida 33128. Legal Aid Service of Broward County provides free civil legal services to low-income and otherwise eligible residents of Broward County.