If you need a judge to make an order as soon as possible due to an emergency, you can file a request for a temporary emergency order. After the judge makes temporary emergency orders, you file your Request for Order and get a court date, you must let the other side know.This guide is designed to help you fill out the forms yourself. It is not intended to provide legal advice nor strategy as to how to complete the case. An emergency custody hearing or "ex parte" hearing is a special court proceeding designed to handle urgent issues related to child custody. Basically, you can get the forms from either the superior court in the county where your child (grandchild) lives or use the internet to find them. In California, you can request an emergency child custody or visitation order to protect your child from harm. Your first step is to apply with the court for an emergency custody order and to get an expedited hearing. To file an emergency custody motion, California law requires notice to the other party. They may choose to show up or not, but they need to be notified in advance.