This guide will take you through both of these processes, guiding you on which forms you need, how to fill them out, and how to start the filing process. Family Court Services offers mediation services at no cost to parents who want to resolve custody or visitation disputes without filing for a court hearing.This form puts into the order that the court has jurisdiction to make child custody orders in this case. To begin filing for custody, you generally need to open a case in California family court, such as a divorce or a parentage (paternity) action. To bail or bond a person out of jail you must obtain the charge and bail amount from the custody staff. To gain sole custody, a mother must prove that it is not in a child's interest for the other parent to have joint custody. While not needed to complete a request, FL-311 can be a strong supporting document. The "How-To" section provides basic information and instructions on the procedure for completing a divorce in California without assistance of an attorney. The order must be clear and specific. You'll need to know the date the order was entered to fill out the forms.