The plaintiff should explain why the court has jurisdiction over the case (jurisdiction is defined in the legal terms section of this guide). You must complete THREE STEPS to e-file documents with the Court: 1.Find and prepare the right documents. 2. In your petition, clearly explain why you are being held illegally. A habeas petition is used when one is contesting the validity of their sentence or conviction. A writ of habeas is not going to accomplish the desired result. The absence of counsel in post-conviction hearings stems, in the first in- stance, from the financial inability of the vast majority of prisoners to employ. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended except in cases of rebellion or invasion when the public safety may require it. TO THE HONORABLE DISTRICT JUDGE ELIA CORNEJO LOPEZ: Applicant Manuel Velez is currently confined on death row at the Texas Department of. Volunteers in family law cases may receive additional training, which is determined on a case-by-case basis.