If there is an emergency and you want the child returned to you immediately, you can ask for an "Pickup Order" that awards you temporary sole custody. The Ex Parte Motion for Return of Children must be filed with the Clerk of Court either in person or online.You can find information on this page about how to get temporary orders in place, and how to respond to a motion for temporary orders filed against you. If you need a judge to make an order as soon as possible due to an emergency, you can file a request for a temporary emergency order. This is the first post in a series which will address the question of how to file an emergency Motion with the Las Vegas Family Court. Please check Court and County websites directly for current forms and information. THE OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF NEVADA LEGAL FORMS Last Update 2012. No, there is no such motion. This is an outline of the general steps in a typical family law case such as divorce (dissolution) or parentage (unmarried parents). The Ex Parte Motion for Return of Children must be filed with the Clerk of Court either in person or online.