Habeas corpus is a writ that states that a person cannot be kept in prison unless they have first been brought before a court of law. A legal document that requires the addressee to produce in court a person in its custody and justify his or her imprisonment.Federal habeas corpus is a procedure under which a federal court may review the legality of an individual's incarceration. A writ of habeas corpus is an order from a court to an official to produce an inmate. The writ of habeas corpus is the remedy to be used when any person is restrained in his liberty. The "Great Writ" of habeas corpus is a fundamental right in the Constitution that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. Latin for "that you have the body. What Are the Different Types of Writs? During just about any conversation with a civil liberties advocate or constitutional lawyer, the concept of habeas corpus will likely come up. The literal meaning of habeas corpus is "you should have the body".