In a New York claim, courts have said that an Article 440 motion is usually the correct way to raise an ineffective assistance of counsel claim. You can make a motion for ineffective assistance of counsel during your trial if you feel that your lawyer is not performing their duties.Many incarcerated people appeal their convictions based on a claim of "ineffective assistance" of counsel. Successful ineffective assistance of counsel claims exist in criminal cases and this site provides a free checklist of 125 references. What Is a CPL 440.10 Motion to Vacate Judgment on the Ground of. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel? This is a common motion used to raise an ineffective representation of counsel claim. What website do I need to visit to find a guideline for writing a pro se motion for ineffective assistance of counsel ? Ineffective assistance of counsel (IAC) claims are commonly asserted in post-conviction motions for appropriate relief. My son's attorney gave him an Ineffective Assistance of Counsel form to fill out but failed to tell him where to send.