The Collin College Student Handbook is for information only and is not intended as a contract, expressed or implied. As a client, you have the right to: • Be treated with dignity and respect;.• Know your counselor's qualifications and professional experience;. The mission of Queens College is to prepare students to become leading citizens of an increasingly global society. Couples counseling is "not the same thing as individual counseling, with two clients in the room instead of one" (Williams, 2012, p. 1). In counseling sessions, you can expect to have open and honest discussions with a trained counselor in a safe environment. Embrace innovation to futureproof counseling practices and empower students for success in a dynamic landscape. Other faculty recommendations. Students must review the failed exam, meet with the course instructor, and complete the Exam Remediation Form (Appendix). Today's college students are seeking counseling in greater numbers than did previous generations, according to college counselors and other experts.